Mrs Bateson

Mrs Bateson is a widow who raises money for a dementia charity. Using our Korean glass diamantes and nailheads she makes these brooches (and other goodies through the year). Aren't they adorable? And so perfectly formed!

Jane Cowling

Customer Jane Cowling came to us having never done her own rhinestoning previously. A few advisory phone calls and careful orders later, here are more of her wonderful results! Shared with permission, we think she should be incredible proud of herself! Preciosa Crystal & Preciosa Capri Blue rhinestones.

Frisky Whispers

February 2020 and Frisky Whispers débuts their Deluxe Frisk act which they have slowly been building up for over a year ❤️ Their most decadent act so far it features corsets by Misty Couture, custom made waistcoat and trousers by Alison Pickles, gauntlets, shimmy belt and underwear by Blu by Daisy Cutter, boa by Nixon Point, ostrich feather fans from BeauRocks Costumier and so so so many Preciosa rhinestones from ourselves1

Who ARE They?

You will have seen their names in the many Imaginarium photographs and social media posts we share.  They collaborate beautifully with Preciosa.  They tend to dominate New York Fashion Week - but who are "The Blonds" ?

The Emerald Isle

Performer Celeste Steel created something subtle for the first Cork Burlesque Festival - a bowtie for her partner in Emerald Preciosa rhinestones!